Sunday, September 7, 2014

Helping Others When You Need Help Yourself

Not to long ago I was convicted by a verse in Proverbs:

My struggle was with defining who was poor and who was needy.  By what measure does someone decide these things?  If I were to do it comparatively to my own life then you would have to be pretty poor and pretty needy for me to feel convicted to help you.  At the same time, someone else's measure of helplessness may be different then mine.  

This is where I felt convicted.

Who am I to judge who is in need of my help?  

I think it is easy for any of us to look at the struggles of others and judge whether those struggles are easier or more difficult to bear then our own struggles.  Human nature causes me to look at the complaints of someone else and think: "You think YOU have it bad? How about walking a day in MY shoes!"

It doesn't take much time in scriptures to know that part of the reason God allows trials in our lives is so that we can be better equipped to help and comfort other's in their times of difficulty.  I had no problem reaching out a hand to others, especially if I judged their problems to be deserving of help.  Despite being sick I have shared what little food our family had with families who had less food.  Believe me, this is hard when you are counting every egg and piece of bread to make sure you have enough to last the week.  I've extended kind words and offered up prayers for those whom seemed in need of these tokens.  Between the two 7 Slices of Lyme families we could make a long list of ways we have helped others.  So, why am I convicted?  I am convicted because of the hardening of a part of my heart.  My attitude has been wrong.  

It isn't up for me to judge whether someone should be crying out "help me" .  If you have ever gone through something REALLY hard, and I know many people who have, one thing that happens is a change in perspective.  What was once something that we perceived as a problem, looking at it now it seems like a walk on the beach in comparison to the bigger struggles.  Now, when coming across someone who's problems seem so small it can be annoying to listen to them discuss the problem as if it is the worst thing a person can experience.  You want to smack them upside the head and yell, REALLY????  The LAST thing you want to do is extend a helping hand.

God did not intend for us to judge who really needs our help.  If anything, God wants us to assist anyone whom comes in our path and we have something to offer them.  Even if it's just a word of encouragement.  Like I said earlier.  God allows struggles to make us better able to empathize with others.  No matter the problem, if someone considers it a strain on their life then we need to be open to God's leading in how we can reach out a hand.  Who am I to sit and be the judge of who deserves my help.  It doesn't matter if I am currently in a difficult place myself, if God intends for me to reach out to someone He will provide the means and the strength to do so.  

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