Sunday, September 14, 2014

Be a Prayer Warrior

The Lounder's and the Stanley's have found that surviving chronic lyme disease is easier when experiencing the support of others.  Conveniently,  we (the Lounders) have moved next door to the Stanleys and there is no doubt God's hand was on that decision.  We wanted to create a blog that represented how we viewed navigating life with chronic illness.  Not only do we want to share all the positive things we are learning and experiencing, we want to also reach out to other families who are on the same journey and be a support to them as well.

Our first intention for this blog, besides sharing positive stories and insights, is to share our prayer requests and then also share our joy when God answers prayer.  You can enter your email and become a prayer partner.  We will dedicate a blog at least once a month (if not more often) to updating our prayer requests and answers to prayer.  You can also see our requests listed daily on the home page of the blog.  We believe God will work miraculously in our lives and we trust Him to completely meet our needs.

Our second purpose of this site will be to share any fundraising efforts we do.  Money raised will come from food sales and bottle returns at Ellsworth ATA,  Profits from the book sales of Developing Black Belt Character. , along with various fundraisers we will do such as Yankee Candle, and RADA Knives.  20% of all money raised for treatment will be donated to other families who are struggling to pay for their own lyme treatment.  Daily we see the stories and cries for help of other lyme families and we are burdened to help them the way we have received help from others.  Once we have had six months of our own treatment paid for we will then donate 50% of any money we raise to other families.

We will track all the money raised on a YouCaring Page and once a month redonate 20%.  We will then share who we donated too and encourage others to also give a small donation.

So, now that you know the purpose of this blog, let us share some prayer requests and praises!

Our Requests:
-Wisdom for the Stanleys as they enter the beginning stages of diagnosis and treatment
-We all ask for strength and health as we welcome new students to taekwondo
-Emma has peace and strength while having a down turn in her health
-Ellen is able to have the strength she needs while working and having to care for Emma
-$1000 to pay for Ellen's first Lyme Doctor Appointment and associated expenses
-Money for the Lounders to pay their federal and state taxes
-Strength and continued improved health as Chelsea enters high school
-Strength and Good health for Scott as he enters his busy season

-The Lounders had a safe trip to DC and had all the needed finances
-Jenna successfully endured a long stretch away from home
-Lounder's vehicle repairs done and paid for
-Travel arrangments for Holly and Jenna's Medical Trip to DC has been made and paid for

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